Diskusní fórum KHSA

klgn The Government seeks consensus to approve the definitive educational reform

Aomr Villac铆s points out the artisanal sector as a competitive advantage of

FOR EMPLOYMENT. The Government promotes new measures to promote women's entrepreneurship. - Has developed measures to guarantee labor equality. - It has promoted credits and incentives for female entrepreneurs. - It is now promoting a greater effort of administrative coordination, especially in rural areas to promote the creation of new businesses. AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE. The PP promotes new initiatives and the coordination of everyone in the fight against gender violence. - The PP promotes greater involvement of health professionals in the detection of signs of gender violence. - The PP Government is the one that has allocated the most resources to eradicate gender violence. - Since 2011, deaths due to gender violence have decreased by 28%: we must continue working to eradicate this scourge. Related news: The PGE demonstrate the Government's "serious commitment" to social policies and the most vulnerable ParliamentariansCongress reinforces the commitment to eliminate forms of discrimination against women in the United Nations...

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KHSA - Klub Historických Sportovních Automobilů

Na Příkopě 797
75501 Vsetín
IČ: 018 79 006